What is living water?
Living water is natural water. In natural water the information contents of the cluster structures are in such a way that is especially supporting for the health and vitality of humans, animals and plants (e.g. high quality spring water with a hexagonal pattern of the water crystals). Natural and clean water passes on its information content when drinking or when in contact with the skin: natural, healthy and vital.
„Trust is important, especially with regard to the quality of water. Numerous well-known companies, municipalities and end consumers have already decided to take the advantage of our service. Here some references…
Hôtel Claridge
Champs Élysées, Paris, Frankreich

France Telecom
Renowned Telephone Provider, France

Well-known manufacturer of Salmon and Patée

Military College

Hôpital de Nevers
Hospital in France

Pyrenées Orientales
Association of Municipalities, France

Gas Filling Installation, Algeria

Fédération Française de Gymnastique

Cape Khamai
Holiday Residence, South Africa